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Service      >  Graphic Design       > Package Design
Comics Design
Folder and brochure Design
Corporate Banners
Print Media
Magazine and Book Covers
Flyer and Ads
Package Design
Calendar Design

We Provide

Brand identity / logo design

Branded packaging design

structural design for packaging

packaging advice for start ups and established companies

Package Design

virtualinfocom is a full-service branding and packaging design studio. Our two-person team combines the creative punch of Banani Bhattacharyya and Gopal Sikdar as creative director and lead designer. The top people are the only people who work with you and you get the best. We're a branding and packaging design specialists with over 10 years experience in gourmet food, health and beauty products and more.

Product Packaging

product packaging

Professional Packaging Design

Electronics Packaging

Retail Package Design

product packaging

Retail Packaging Design

Blister Packaging

Packaging Production

product packaging

Production Design

Box Packaging


Brand Packaging

product packaging

Brand Identity Design

Beverage Packaging

Board Game Package Design

Game Packaging
Board Game Packaging
Board Game Design
Game Play and Development
Game Production
Game Box Illustration
Factory Sourcing Gryphon Games

Graphic Design for Packaging 

Packaging Graphics are the foundation and driving force of your package design project. The container that holds your product is just as important as the product itself. Actually, in many cases it's far more important. The package is the first thing your customer will see and it's what will motivate a reaction from the consumer. Your package design plays a critical role in the success or failure of your product launch.

Packaging and Brand Recognition

The success of your product is so much more than slapping a box around it and putting on a shelf. A good package design incorporates the elements used in creating a strong brand identity to differentiate your product from the competition. Ultimately, you are striving to achieve brand recognition in the retail environment which will help lead the consumer to choosing your product over another. .

Packaging for Retail Sales. . .

Today there are more products on the market than ever before giving consumers an abundance of choice and flexibility in what they buy. This is wonderful for the consumer but if you are the owner of one of these many products it can mean facing a serious challenge in getting your product noticed. There has never been so much competition surrounding products and their competitors. Finding ways of gaining and keeping consumer interest has never been harder. So, just how do companies go about doing this?

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Packaging Samples and Production?

virtualinfocom has a team of packaging design specialists in-house that are well versed in all of the different types of retail packaging methods and processes. Our graphic designers offer you professional solutions for package design, display design, endcaps and supporting sales materials. We also have the ability to create quality mock ups for presentations and sales. Our design team is expert in multiple software packages and creating press ready art for all types of packaging, and print production ensuring your project is designed to spec and set up correctly ó the first time.